Class 9 English Prose Chapter 3 Questions and Answers UP Board Playing The Game (Arthur Mee) [Adapted].
कक्षा 9 अंग्रेजी पाठ 3 प्रश्न उत्तर
These Solutions are part of UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English. Here we have given UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Prose Chapter 3 Playing The Game (Arthur Mee) [Adapted].
Read the following passages and answer the questions given below :
निम्नलिखित गद्यांशों को पढ़िए और नीचे दिये गये प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए
(a) Alam’s mother came to the gate to see him of “Good bye, Alando your best, “she called out. “I shall try, Mummy,” answered Alan and waving his hand, he ran out of the gate and up the road. Do his best! of course he would. For Alan was playing in the school cricket match and was mightily proud of being chosen to play. He had practised ( bowling with his father for weeks now, and Daddy said he was shaping well. Daddy was nearly as excited as Alan over the match and he promised that if Alan’s side won he would buy him a bicycle.
1. Why did Alan’s mother came to the gate? What did she say to him?
(ऐलन की माँ फाटक पर क्यों आयी? उसने ऐलन से क्या कहा? )
2. What was Alan mightily proud of?
(ऐलन को किस बात पर बहुत अधिक गर्व था?)
3. How did Alan react to his mother’s advice in his mind?
(ऐलन ने अपनी माँ की सलाह पर प्रतिक्रिया अपने मस्तिष्क में किस प्रकार की?)
4. What would the father do if Alan’s side won the match?
(यदि ऐलने की टीम मैच जीती तो उसके पिताजी क्या करते?)
5. Name the lesson from which the above passage has been taken. Who is the author?
(उस पाठ का नाम लिखिए जिससे उपरोक्त गद्यांश लिया गया है। इसका लेखक कौन है?)
1. Alan’s mother came to the gate to see him off. She said, “Good bye” and called out to do his best.
(ऐलन की माँ उसको विदा करने के लिए फाटक पर आयी। वह बोली “शुभ विदा’ और पूरा प्रयास करने को कहा।)
2. Alan was mightily proud of being chosen to play in the school cricket match.
(ऐलन को अपने विद्यालय के क्रिकेट मैच में खेलने के लिए चुने जाने पर बहुत अधिक गर्व था।)
3. Alan reacted his mother’s advice in his mind that he would try to win the match.
(ऐलन ने अपनी माँ की सलाह पर अपने मस्तिष्क में प्रतिक्रिया की कि वह मैच जीत लेगा।)
4. Alan’s father promised to buy a bicycle if Alan’s side won the match.
(ऐलन के पिता ने वचन दिया था कि यदि ऐलन की टीम विजयी होगी तो वह उसके लिए एक साइकिल खरीद देंगे।)
5. The name of the lesson is ‘Playing the Game’ and the author is Arthur Mee.
(पाठ का नाम ‘प्लेइंग द फेम’ तथा लेखक का नाम आर्थर मी है।)
(b) On his way to the sports ground, Alan had to pass the little three cornered meadow and as he reached it, he saw a very old man leaning heavily on his stick. As Alan passed, the old man called out to him.
“Can I help you?” asked Alam kindlh, going up to him.
The old man, in a thin, cracked voice requested Alan to let him take his arm. He said, “This road is so hilly and the wind is almost too much.”
Questions .
1. What did Alan see on his way to the sports ground?
(खेल के मैदान को जाते समय ऐलन ने रास्ते में क्या देखा? )
2. When did the old man call out to Alan?
(बूढ़े आदमी ने ऐलन को कब पुकारा?)
3. What did Alan say to the old man?
(ऐलन ने बूढ़े आदमी से क्या कहा?)
4. What was the condition of the old man?
(बूढ़े आदमी की दशा क्या थी?)
5. Name the lesson from which the above passage has been taken. Who is the author?
(उस पाठ का नाम लिखिए जिससे उपरोक्त गद्यांश लिया गया है। इसके लेखक कौन हैं?)
1. Alan saw an old man on his way to the sports ground.
(खेल के मैदान को जाते समय ऐलन ने रास्ते में एक बूढ़े आदमी को देखा।)
2. As Alan passed the old man called out to Alar..
(ज्योंही ऐलन गुजरा, उस बूढ़े आदमी ने ऐलन को पुकारा।)
3. Alan said if he could help the old man.
(ऐलन ने कहा कि क्या वह बूढ़े आदमी की सहायता कर सकता है?)
4. The old man was very weak and unable to walk without help.
(बूढ़ा आदमी बहुत कमजोर था तथा बिना सहायता के चलने योग्य नहीं था।)
5. The name of the lesson is “Playing The Game” and the author is Arthur Mee.
(पाठ का नाम ‘प्लेइंग दि गेम’ है तथा इसके लेखक आर्थर मी हैं।)
(c) “Bra00, Alam,” he said, batting his listle son on the back. “But Dadav…….” began Alam. But his father interrupted him.
“It is all right, old man,” he said, “You see, I came up behind that policeman and he told me what had happened. So I knew you were playing the game although it was not on the cricket pitch. So I went back to the market-place and bought the bicycle I promised you. It is a beauty. And, Alan, we are proud of you, your mother and I.”
Questions .
1. Why did the father pat Alan on the back?
(ऐलन के पिता ने उसकी पीठ क्यों थपथपाई?)
2. “But Daddy” began Alan, what did Alan wish to say?
(किन्तु पिताजी” ऐलन ने बोलना प्रारम्भ किया। ऐलन क्या कहना चाहता था?)
3. What did the policeman say?
(पुलिसमैन ने क्या कहा?)
4. How was Alan playing the game?
(ऐलन खेल किस प्रकार खेल रहा था?)
5. Write name of the lesson from which the above passage has been taken. Who is the author?
(उस पाठ का नाम लिखिए जिससे उपरोक्त गद्यांश लिया गया है। इसके लेखक कौन हैं?)
1. The father patted Alan on the back because he had helped an old man.
(ऐलन के पिता ने उसकी पीठ थपथपाई क्योंकि उसने एक बूढ़े आदमी की सहायता की थी।)
2. Alan wished to say that he had not played in the match.
(ऐलन कहना चाहता था कि उसने मैच में नहीं खेला है।)
3. The policeman told Alan’s father what had happened?
(पुलिसमैन ने ऐलन के पिता को वह सब बता दिया जो कुछ घटित हुआ था।)
4. Alan was playing the game not on the cricket pitch but he was helping an old man on the way.
(ऐलन क्रिकेट के मैदान में खेल नहीं खेल रहा था किन्तु वह रास्ते में एक बूढ़े आदमी की सहायता कर रहा था।)
5. The name of the lesson is ‘Playing the Game’ and the author is Arthur Mee.
(पाठ का नाम ‘प्लेइंग द गेम’ तथा लेखक आर्थर मी हैं।)
Answer the following questions in not more than 60 words each :
Question 1 .
What was Alan mightily proud of? Why was he eager to do his best? What had he done for it?
(ऐलन को बहुत अधिक गर्व किस बात का था? वह सबसे अच्छा करने के लिए क्यों उत्सुक था? इसके लिए उसने क्या किया था?)
Alan was chosen to play in the school cricket match. He was mightily proud of it. He had practised bowling with his father for weeks. He was a ( good bowler. His father said that he was shaping well. His father was as excited as Alan over the match. So he promised that if Alan’s side won the match he would buy him a bicycle.
ऐलन स्कूल के क्रिकेट मैच में खेलने के लिए चुन लिया गया था। इस पर उसे बहुत अधिक गर्व था। वह अपने पिता के साथ, कई सप्ताह तक अच्छी तरह गेंद फेकने का अभ्यास कर चुका था। वह एक अच्छा गेंदबाज था। उसके पिता का कहना था कि वह गेंद को अच्छी तरह से फेंकता है। उसके पिता मैच के लिए उतने ही उत्तेजित थे जितना कि ऐलन। इसलिए उन्होंने वचन दिया था कि यदि ऐलन की टीम विजयी होगी तो वह उसके लिए साइकिल खरीद देगें।
Question 2 .
Describe the old man in brief. How did Alan help him? What was the result?
(बूढ़े आदमी का वर्णन संक्षेप में कीजिए। ऐलन ने उसकी सहायता किस प्रकार की? उसका परिणाम क्या हुआ?)
When Alan was going to play cricket match, he saw an old man on the way. He was leaning heavily on his stick. He was weak and deaf. The road was so hilly that he could not walk easily on the way. So he requested Alan to help him. Alan helped him as he knew that he would easily make up what time he had lost by running. The old man was ( walking so slowly that five minutes had gone before they were half way up the road. Suddenly the old mad stumbled and fell heavily on the way up the ground. After sometime, a policeman came there and promised to help the old man. Now Alan ran as fast as he could but he arrived late and could not play the match.
जब ऐलन क्रिकेट मैच खेलने जा रहा था, तो उसने रास्ते में एक बूढ़े आदमी को देखा। वह अपने डण्डे पर बोझ डाले हुआ था। वह कमजोर तथा बहरा था। सड़क इतनी पथरीली थी कि वह रास्ते में आसानी से नहीं चल सकता था इसलिए उसने ऐलन से अपनी सहायता करने के लिए प्रार्थना की। ऐलन ने उसकी सहायता की क्योंकि वह जानता था कि उसका जितना समय नष्ट हुआ है उसे वह दौड़कर सरलता से पूरा कर लेगा। बूढ़ा आदमी इतना धीरे-धीरे चल रहा था कि सड़क पर आधी दूर जाने से पहले ही पाँच मिनट बीत गये। वृद्ध व्यक्ति ने अचानक ठोकर खायी और जोर से जमीन पर गिर पड़ा। कुछ समय बाद एक पुलिसमैन वहाँ आया और बूढ़े आदमी की सहायता करने का वचन दिया। अब ऐलन उतना तेज भागा जितना वह भाग सकता था फिर भी वह देरी से पहुंचा और मैच नहीं खेल सका।
Question 3 .
Alan was playing the game although it was not on the cricket pitch. What game was Alan playing? How did he play it?
(ऐलन खेल खेल रहा था, यद्यपि यह कार्य क्रिकेट के मैदान पर नहीं हो रहा था। ऐलन कौन-सा खेल खेल रहा था? उसने इसे किस प्रकार खेला?)
Alan was chosen to play in the school cricket match. So he was much excited. He wanted to do his best in the match. But he could not play as he reached late. Actually, he was playing an other game. When he was going to play ground, he met an old and weak man on the way. He was unable to walk on the road as it was hilly and the wind was too much for him. The old man asked Alan to help him. Alan helped him as he knew that he would be able to ( recover the time by running. But the old man was moving slowly. Suddenly, he stumbled and fell on the ground. Thus there was no way out except to help the poor man. At last a policeman came there and promised Alan to help him. Now Alan ran as he could but all was in vain. Although he could not play on the cricket pitch, yet he was playing the game of helping an old man.
ऐलन स्कूल के क्रिकेट मैच में खेलने के लिए चुन लिया गया था इसलिए वह बहुत अधिक उत्तेजित था। वह मैच में अपना पूरा प्रयास करना चाहता था किन्तु वह नहीं खेल सका क्योंकि वह देर से पहुंचा था। वास्तव में वह एक दूसरा खेल खेल रहा था। रास्ते में उसे एक बूढ़ा और कमजोर व्यक्ति मिला। वह सड़क पर चलने में असमर्थ था क्योंकि सड़क पथरीली थी और हवा उसके लिए बहुत ज्यादा थीं। बूढ़े आदमी ने ऐलन से अपनी सहायता करने के लिए कहा। ऐलन ने उसकी सहायता की क्योंकि वह जानता था कि वह उतने समय को दौड़कर पूरा कर लेगा किन्तु बूढ़ा आदमी बहुत धीरे-धीरे चल रहा था। अचानक उसे ठोकर लगी और वह जमीन पर गिर पड़ा। इस प्रकार बूढ़े आदमी की सहायता करने के अलावा उसके सामने कोई रास्ता नहीं था। अन्त में एक पुलिसमैन वहाँ आया ( और उसने ऐलन से बूढ़े आदमी की सहायता करने का वचन दिया। अब ऐलन जितना तेज भाग सकता था, भागा किन्तु सब व्यर्थ था। । यद्यपि वह क्रिकेट के मैदान में नहीं खेला था फिर भी वह एक बूढ़े आदमी की सहायता करने का खेल खेल रहा था।
Answer the following questions in not more than 25 words each :
Question 1 .
What did Alan’s mother say to him when she came to the gate to bid him goodbye?
(जब ऐलन की माँ उसे दरवाजे पर ‘शुभ विदा’ कहने आयी तो उसने ऐलन से क्या कहा?)
When Alan’s mother came to the gate to bid him good bye she said to him to do his best?
जब ऐलन की माँ उसे दरवाजे पर ‘शुभ विदा कहने आयी तो उसने उसे सर्वश्रेष्ठ करने के लिए कहा।
Question 2 .
What had Alan practised for weeks with his father? What did his father say about him?
(ऐलन ने अपने पिता के साथ कई सप्ताह तक किस चीज का अभ्यास किया था? उसके पिता उसके बारे में क्या कहते थे?)
Alan had practised bowling with his father for weeks. His father told him that he was shaping well. His father was excited over the match.
ऐलन ने अपने पिता के साथ कई सप्ताह तक अच्छी तरह ( से गेंद फेंकने का अभ्यास किया था। उसके पिता उससे कहते थे कि वह गेंद को अच्छी तरह से फेंकता है। उसके पिता मैच के लिए उत्तेजित थे।
Question 3 .
What did Alan’s father promise him to give?
(ऐलन के पिता ने उसे क्या देने का वचन दिया था?)
Alan’s father promised him that if Alan’s side won the match, he would buy him a bicycle.’
(ऐलन के पिता ने वचन दिया था कि यदि ऐलन की टीम विजयी होगी तो वह उसके लिए साइकिल खरीद देगें।)
Question 4 .
Why did the old man fall down?”
(बूढ़ा आदमी क्यों गिर पड़ा?)
The old man stumbled over a loose paving stone and fell heavily on the ground.
(बूढ़े आदमी को रास्ते के पत्थर से ठोकर लग गयी और वह जोर से जमीन पर गिर पड़ा।)
Question 5 .
Why was Alan happy at last?
(अन्त में ऐलन प्रसन्न क्यों था?)
Alan was happy at last because a jolly-looking policeman came there. He was ready to help the old man.
(अन्त में ऐलन प्रसन्नं इसलिए था क्योंकि वहाँ एक प्रसन्नचित्त पुलिसमैन आ गया। वह बूढ़े आदमी की सहायता करने के लिए तैयार था।)
Question 6 .
What did the policeman say to Alan?
(पुलिसमैन ने ऐलन से क्या कहा?)
The policeman said to Alan that he would see that gentleman home.
(पुलिसमैन ने ऐलन से कहा कि वह उस भद्र व्यक्ति को घर पहुँचा देगा।)
Question 7 .
When did he reach the sports ground?
(वह खेल के मैदान पर कब पहुँचा?)
When Alan reached the sports ground, the game had started. He was late.
(जब ऐलन खेल के मैदान पर पहुँचा तो खेल प्रारम्भ हो चुका था। उसे देर हो गयी थी।)
Question 8 .
Why was he late for the match?
(मैच के लिए उसे देर क्यों हो गयी?)
Alan was late for the match because he had helped an old man on the way.
(मैच के लिए उसे देर इसलिए हो गयी क्योंकि उसने रास्ते में एक बूढ़े आदमी की सहायता की थी।)
Question 9 .
Alan made his way slowly home. Why?
(ऐलन धीरे-धीरे घर को चल दिया। क्यों?)
Alan made his way slowly home because another boy named Harold Banks was playing in his place.
(ऐलन धीरे-धीरे अपने घर को चल दिया क्योंकि हैरोल्ड बैंक्स नामक दूसरा लड़का उसके स्थान पर खेल रहा था।)
Question 10 .
How did the boys cheer him in the classroom the next morning?
(दूसरे दिन सुबह कक्षा में लड़कों ने उसके लिए जय ध्वनि किस प्रकार की?)
The boys gave Alan three loud cheers next morning for they too had learned about his kind act.
(दूसरे दिन सुबह लड़कों ने ऐलन के लिए तीन बार जय ध्वनि की क्योंकि उनको भी उसके दयापूर्ण कार्य के बारे में मालूम पड़ गया था।)
Question 1 .
Complete the following statements with the most suitable choice :
(सबसे उपयुक्त विकल्प चुनकर निम्नलिखित कथनों को पूरा कीजिए)
(i) Alan’s father would not buy him a bicycle if :
(a) his team lost the match
(b) he did not reach the field in time
(c) he did not play well in the match
(d) he won the match
(ii) Alan was choosen to play in the match because he :
(a) was a good batsman
(b) was a good bowler
(c) had practised well with his father
(d) was a good student
(iii) Alan saw a very old man near :
(a) the sports ground
(b) his house
(c) a grassy land
(d) the school
(iv) Alan told the old man that he was going to play the cricket match and that he must not be late. The old man did not say anything because :
(a) he was certainly deaf
(b) perhaps he thought Alan would leave him alone
(c) Alan spoke in a whisper
(v) Alan was not permitted to play in the match because :
(a) he had helped the old man
(b) the teacher had selected a better boy for the team
(c) he was late
(d) he had cheated the policeman
(i) (a) his team lost the match
(ii) (b) was a good bowler.
(iii) (c) a grassy land.
(iv) (a) he was certainly deaf.
(v) (c) he was late
Question 2 .
Point out the ‘true’ and ‘false’ statements in the following :
(निम्नलिखित कथनों में ‘सत्य’ और ‘असत्य’ बताइए)
(i) Alan’s father promised that if his side won, he would buy him a bicycle.
(ii) Alan did not help the old man.
(iii) The game had not started when Alan arrived.
(iv) Alan turned away and made his way slowly home.
(v) Alan’s parents were proud of him.
(i) T
(ii) F
(iii) F
(iv) T
(v) T
Question 1 .
Match the words given under Column ‘A’ with the meanings given under Column ‘B’ below.
(नीचे दिये गये सूची ‘अ’ के शब्दों की सूची ‘ब’ के अर्थों से मिलान कीजिए)
Question 2 .
Find out the words from the text which have the following expressions. The first letter of each word is given as a hint :
(निम्नलिखित वाक्यांशों के लिए एक शब्द लिखिए। प्रत्येक शब्द का पहला अक्षर संकेत के रूप में दिया हुआ है)
(a) Strike the foot with something and almost fall. (S……….)
(b) To do something regularly in order to become skilful. (P…………. )
(c) Rest in bending position for support. (L………… )
(d) Break in upon a person speaking something. ( I ……. )
(e) To move something to and fro. (W………)
(a) Stumbled
(b) Practice
(c) Leaning
(d) Interrupt
(e) Waving
Question 3 .
Give the opposite words of the following :
(निम्नलिखित शब्दों के विलोम शब्द लिखिए)
proud; thin; lost; right; buy; up
Question 4 .
Give the synonyms of the following words :
निम्नलिखित शब्दों के समानार्थी शब्द लिखिए
chosen (चुना हुआ); reach (पहुँचना); fortunately (भाग्यवश), answer (उत्तर देना); stare (एकटक देखना)
Question 5 .
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the suitable words given below :
नीचे दिये गये शब्दों की सहायता से निम्नलिखित वाक्यों में रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए
try; loose; answer; chosen; obliged
(a) ………. my question correctly.
(b) Alan was …… to play in the school cricket match.
(c) Please, …… to understand me.
(d) I am highly …… to you.
(e) My shirt is ……
(a) answer
(b) chosen
(c) try
(d) obliged
(e) loose
Question 6 .
Use the following phrases in sentences of your own so as to make their meanings clear :
निम्नलिखित मुहावरों को अपने वाक्यों में प्रयोग कीजिए ताकि उनका अर्थ स्पष्ट हो जाय
to see off (विदा करना); of course (वास्तव में); at last (अन्त में); set off (चल पड़ा); of no use (अनुपयोगी);
To see off (विदा करना): I went to the station to see off my sister.
Of course (वास्तव में) : Of course, Alan would do his best in the match.
At last (अन्त में ) : At last, he won the match.
Set off (चल पड़ा) : They have set off on a journey round the world.
Of no use ((अनुपयोगी) : Some guide books are of no use.
On way to (रास्ते मे) : On his way to the play ground, Alan had to pass a meadow.
Question 1 .
Combine the following pairs of sentences into one sentence by using conjunction ‘that’. First has been done for you.
(Conjunction ‘that’ का प्रयोग करके निम्नलिखित के जोड़ों को जोड़कर एक वाक्य बनाइये। पहला आपके लिए किया हुआ है।)
Example :
(i) (a) Raju would help us.
(b) We hope so.
We hope that Raju would help us.
(ii) (a) Our school team would win the match easily. ,
(b) We knew it.
(iii) (a) You are well.
(b) I trust so.
(iv) (a) I would pass.
(b) I was sure of this.
(v) (a) He had left the child on the road.
(b) He forgot this.
(ii) We knew that our school team would win the match easily.
(iii) I trust that you are well.
(iv) I was sure that I would pass.
(v) He forgot that he had left the child on the road.
Question 2 .
Combine the following pairs of sentences into one sentence by using conjunction ‘what’.
First has been done for you. Mark that ‘something’ and ‘that’ have been removed.
(Conjunction ‘What’ का प्रयोग करके निम्नलिखित वाक्यों के जोड़ों को जोड़कर एक वाक्य बनाइये। पहला आपके लिए किया हुआ है। ध्यान दीजिए कि ‘Something’ और ‘that’ को हटा दिया गया है।)
Example :
(i) (a) He had done something.
(b) I know that..
I know what he had done.
(ii) (a) He means something.
(b) I understand that.
(iii) (a) Something is worrying her.
(b) I know that.
(iv) (a) Something had gone wrong with the car.
(b) I can’t remember that.
(v) (a) Something made you laugh.
(b) I do not know that.
(vi) (a) You said to me something.
(b) I remember quite clearly.
(ii) I under stand what he means.
(iii) I know what is worrying her.
(iv) I can not remember what had gone wrong with the car.
(v) I do not know what made you laugh.
(vi) I remember quite clearly what you said to me.
Question 3 .
Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech, using the introductory Verbs given in the brackets. Two have been done for you :
(कोष्ठक में दी हुई introductory क्रिया का प्रयोग करके निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को Indirect Speech में बदलिए)
(i) “Go away”, he said to her. (ordered)
He ordered her to go away.
(ii) He said to me, “Please don’t make the floor dirty.” (requested)
He requested me not to make the floor dirty.
(iii) He said to me, “Don’t read my letter aloud.” (asked)
(iv) “Do the work again, the teacher said to him. (ordered)
(v) The old man said to Alan, “Please, help me.” (requested)
(vi) The Principal said to them, “Do not make a noise in the hall.” (told)
(vii) He said to his friend, “Don’t be cruel to the dog.” (begged)
(viii) He said to his son, “Don’t play on the road. (advised)
(ix) “Don’t sit on that chair, “he said to the boy.” (ordered)
(x) “Write to me soon,” she said to me. (begged)
(iii) He asked me not to read his letter aloud.
(iv) The teacher ordered him to do the work again.
(v) The old man requested Alan to help him.
(vi) The Principal told them not to make a noise in the hall.
(vii) He begged his friend not to be cruel to the dog.
(viii) He advised his son, play on the road.
(ix) He advised the boy not to sit on that chair.
(x) She begged me to write to her soon.
Question 4 .
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the phrases given below :
(नीचे दिये हुए मुहावरों का प्रयोग करके निम्नलिखित वाक्यों में रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए)
of no use (अनुपयोगी); bit his lip (ओंठ काट लिया); proud of (गर्व); make up (पूरा करना); at last (अन्त में); set off (प्रारम्भ कर दीया)
(a) When he came to know that the job had been given to someone else, he ……..
(b) I am …………. my, country.
(c) Ganga Gomti express is running late. But it will……. the last time.
(d) He made three attempts. And ….. he was selected for the medical course.
(e) He …….. on his journey with a few books in his bag.
(f) These guide books are …….
(a) bit his lip.
(b) proud of
(c) make up
(d) at last
(e) set off
(f) of no use.
Question 5 .
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the suitable prepositions given below :
(नीचे दिये हुए निम्नलिखित वाक्यों में उपयुक्त prepositions की सहायता से रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए)
in; on; to; of; for
(a) Waving his hand, he ran out…….. the gate.
(b) Alan was playing ……. the school cricket match.
(c) Suddenly, the old man stumbled over a loose paving-stone and fell heavily……. he ground.
(d) When Alan saw a policeman coming, he could have shouted ……. joy.
(e) So I went back to the market place and bought the bicycle I promised you.
(a) of,
(b) in,
(c) on,
(d) for,
(e) to.
Question 6 .
Make Adjectives from the following Nouns :
निम्नलिखित संज्ञाओं को विशेषण बनाइये
pride; beauty; wonder; mystery
Proud, beautiful, wonderful, mysterious.
Question 7 .
Use the following pairs of words in your own sentences so as to make the difference clear in their meanings :
निम्नलिखित शब्द-युग्मों को अपने वाक्यों में प्रयोग कीजिए जिससे उनके अर्थों का अन्तर स्पष्ट हो जाय
Gait (फाटक) ; Week (चाल) ;Weak (सप्ताह) ; One (कमजौर) ; Won (एक) ; Bye (जीत लिया ) ; By (बिदा ) ; Know (जानना) ; No (नहीं) .
Gait (फाटक) : He is famous for his gait.
Week (चाल) : He came here last week.
Weak (सप्ताह) : He is weak in English
One (कमजौर) : One should do one’s duty regularly.
Won (एक) : Alan’s father promised that if Alan’s side won, he would buy a cycle.
Bye (जीत लिया ) : Alan’s mother called out Alan good bye and advised him to do his best.
By (बिदा ) : He will come here by the morning train.
Know (जानना) : He knows me well.
No (नहीं) : There is no boy in the class.
Question 8 .
Imagine that you are the weak, old man in the story. Write a letter to your grandson telling him in six or seven sentences what happened to you when you fell down in the meadow.
(कल्पना करो कि कहानी में तुम एक कमजोर और बूढ़े आदमी हो। अपने पौत्र को छः सात वाक्यों में यह बताते हुए पत्र लिखो कि जब तुम चरागाह में गिर पड़े तब तुम्हारे साथ क्या घटित हुआ।)
45/5, Zero Road
Dated 30. 5. 20…
My dear grandson Raju,
Yesterday, I was coming from the market. You know, I am an old man of sixty years. I was tired and not feeling well. The road was billy and the wind was too much for me. Suddenly, I stumbled over a loose paving stone and felt on the ground. A boy who was going to play a cricket match helped me. He was very kind gentle. gentle. God might bless him.
R.P. Singh
Place : Allahabad
Dated : 30. 5. 20…
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