UP Board Class 9th English Chapter 4 Question Answer A Golden Bowl (Jatak Tales).

Class 9 English Prose Chapter 4 Questions and Answers UP Board A Golden Bowl (Jatak Tales).

कक्षा 9 अंग्रेजी पाठ 4 प्रश्न उत्तर

These Solutions are part of UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English. Here we have given UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Prose Chapter 4 A Golden Bowl (Jatak Tales).

No Men Are Foreign MCQ Question Answers Class 9 English Poem 6.


Read the following passages and answer the questions given below :
(निम्नलिखित गद्यांशों को पढ़िये और नीचे दिये गये प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए)

(a) Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Seri, the Bodhisattva, who bought and sold pots and pans, was called Serivan. In the company of another seller of pots and pans, a greedy fellow, he crossed the river Televastra and entered the city of Andhapura. (UPBoardSolutions.com) Dividing the streets between the two of them, they set about selling their pots and pans, each in the streets of his own district.

1. What did the Bodhisattva do in the kingdom of Seri?
(सेरी के राज्य में बोधिसत्व क्या करता था?)
2. Who crossed the river Televastra?
(तेलीवस्त्रा नदी किसने पार की?)
3. Who was the companion of Serivan?
(सेरीवन का साथी कौन था?)
4. Why did the two sellers enter the city of Andhapura?
(दोनों विक्रेताओं ने अन्धपुर नगर में प्रवेश क्यों किया?)
5. Write name of the lesson from which the above passage has been taken.
(उस पाठ का नाम लिखिए जिससे उपरोक्त गद्यांश लिया गया है?)
1. In the kingdom of Seri Bodhisattva bought and sold pots and pans.
(सेरी के राज्य में बोधिसत्व बर्तन और कढ़ाइयों को बेचता और खरीदता था।)
2. In the company of another seller of pots and pans Serivan crossed the river Televastra.
(बर्तन और कढ़ाइयों के दूसरे विक्रेता के साथ सेरीवन ने तेलीवस्त्रा नदी पार की।)
3. A greedy seller was the companion of Serivan.
(सेरीवन का साथी एक लालची विक्रेता था।)
4. The two sellers entered the city of Andhapura to sell their pots and pans.
(दोनों विक्रेताओं ने अन्धपुर नगर में अपने बर्तन और कढ़ाइयों को बेचने के लिए प्रवेश किया।)
5. The name of the lesson is ‘A Golden Bowl’.
(पाठ का नाम ‘ए गोल्डेन बाउल है।)

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(b) Lying among old pots and pans in their house was a golden bowl, which, having been long out of use, looked so dirty that the two women did not know that it was made of gold. The greedy seller went past their door crying “Exchange your (UPBoardSolutions.com) old pots for new!” When the young girl heard his cry, she said to her grandmother, “Do let’s buy a new plate, grandmother! There’s man who’s selling pots.”

1. Where was the golden bowl?
(सोने का कटोरा कहाँ था?)
2. Why did the two women not know that it was made of gold?
(दोनों स्त्रियाँ क्यों नहीं जानती थीं कि यह सोने का बना था?)
3. What did the greedy seller say?
(लालची विक्रेता ने क्या कहा?)
4. What did the girl say to her grand-mother?
(लड़की ने अपनी दादी से क्या कहा?)
5. Write name of the lesson from which the above passage has been taken. Lesson who is taken from?
(पाठ का नाम लिखिए जिससे उपर्युक्त गद्यांश लिया गया है। यह पाठ कहाँ से लिया गया है?)
1. The golden bowl was lying among old pots.
(सोने का कटोरा पुराने बर्तनों में पड़ा था।)
2. The two women did not know that the bowl was made of gold because it looked dirty. It had been out of use for a long period.
(दोनों स्त्रियाँ यह नहीं जानती थी कि कटोरा सोने का बना है क्योंकि यह गन्दा दिखाई पड़ता था और बहुत दिनों से प्रयोग में नहीं आया था।)
3. The greedy seller said, “Exchange your old pots for new.”
(लालची विक्रेता ने कहा “अपने पुराने बर्तनों को नये बर्तनों में बदल लो।”)
4. The girl said to her grandmother, “Let us buy a new plate. A man is selling pots.”
(लड़की ने अपनी दादी से कहा “हमें एक नयी प्लेट खरीद लेनी चाहिए। एक आदमी बर्तन बेंच रहा है।”)
5. The name of the lesson is ‘A Golden Bowl’ and it is taken from Jatak Tales.
(पाठ का नाम ‘ए गोल्डेन बाउल है। इसे ‘जातक कथाओं से लिया गया है।)

(c) “We are very boor child. What have ue to offer in exchange?” the old woman said.
“Why, there is this dirty bowl which we never use. Let us exchange the bowl for a plate,” the girl said. Both, the old woman and the (UPBoardSolutions.com) girl were keen to get rid of the bowl.
So, the old woman called the seller in and, giving him the bowl, said, “Take this bowl, young man, and give my grand-daughter a plate in exchange.”

1. What did the old woman say to the girl?
(बूढ़ी स्त्री ने लड़की से क्या कहा?)
2. What did the young girl say to her grandmother?
(युवा लड़की ने अपनी दादी से क्या कहा?)
3. Why were both the women keen to get rid of the bowl?
(दोनों स्त्रियाँ उस कटोरे से छुटकारा पाने के लिए क्यों इच्छुक थी?)
4. What did the old woman say to the seller?
(बूढ़ी स्त्री ने विक्रेता से क्या कहा?)
5. Why did the old woman want to exchange the bowl for a plate?
(बूढ़ी स्त्री कटोरे के बदले प्लेट क्यों चाहती थी?)
1. The old woman said to the girl, “We are very poor. What have we to offer in exchange?”
(बूढ़ी स्त्री ने लड़की से कहा, “हम बहुत निर्धन हैं। प्लेट के बदले में क्या दे सकते हैं?)
2. The young girl said to her grandmother, “We have a dirty bowl which never use. Let us exchange the bowl for a plate.”
(युवा लड़की ने अपनी दादी से कहा “हमारे पास एक गन्दा कटोरा है जिसे हम कभी प्रयोग में नहीं लाते हैं। हमें कटोरे को प्लेट से बदल लेना चाहिए।’)
3. The old woman said to the seller, “Take this buwl, young man and give my grand-uaughter a plate in exchange.”
(बूढ़ी स्त्री ने विक्रेता से कहा, “नवयुवक, इस पटोरे को ले लो और मेरी नातिन को इसके बदले में एक प्लेट दे दो।”)
4. Both the women were keen to get rid of the bowl because it was very dirty and was not used in the family.
(दोनों स्त्रियाँ उस कटोरे से छुटकारा पाने के लिए इच्छुक थीं क्योंकि यह बहुत गन्दा था और परिवार में प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता था।)
5. The old woman wanted to exchange the bowl for a plate because her grand-daughter urged her to have a new plate.
(वह बूढ़ी स्त्री कटोरे के बदले प्लेट चाहती थी क्योंकि उसकी नातिन ने उससे एक नयी प्लेट लेने के लिए अनुरोध किया था।)

(d) Both the women were astonished to hear this. “My son, a seller who came yesterday said the bowl was worthless and threw it on the ground. It must be your touch which has turned it into gold. Take it! Give us anything you please in exchange and go your way.”
He gave them all the pots he had and five hundred silver coins which he had with him at the time. He kept only his scales, his bag and eight silver coins to pay the boatman to take him across the river. Taking the bowl with him, he went to the riverside, got into the boat and gave the eight coins to the boatman to row him (UPBoardSolutions.com) across.
No sooner had he left the two women than the greedy seller came to them again and said impatiently, “Bring out the bowl, I’ll give you something or other for it.”

1. Why were both the women surprised?
(दोनों स्त्रियों को आश्चर्य क्यों हुआ?)
2. What did the old woman say to Serivan?
(बूढ़ी स्त्री ने सेवन से क्या कहा?)
3. What did Serivan give them?
(सेरीवन ने उन्हें क्या दिया?)
4. What did Serivan keep with him?
(सेरीवन ने अपने पास क्या रखा?)
5. When did the greedy seller come to them again?
(लालची विक्रेता उनके पास पुनः कब आया?)
1. Both the women were surprised because Serivan told them that their bowl was made of pure gold.
(दोनों स्त्रियों को आश्चर्य इसलिए हुआ क्योंकि सेरीवन ने उनसे कहा कि उनका कटोरा सोने का बना है।)
2. The old woman said to Serivan, “A seller came here yesterday. He said the bowl was worthless. It must be your touch which has turned it into gold. Take it. Give us anything you please in exchange and go your way.”
(बूढ़ी स्त्री ने सेरीवन से कहा, “एक विक्रेता कल यहाँ आया था। उसने कहा था कि कटोरा बेकार है। निश्चय ही तुम्हारे स्पर्श ने इसे सोने में बदल दिया है। इसे तुम ले लो। इसके बदले में तुम हमें जो कुछ भी देना चाहो दे दो और अपने मार्ग पर चले जाओ।”)
3. Serivan gave them all his pots and five hundred silver coins.
(सेरीवन ने उन्हें अपने सारे बर्तन तथा पाँच सौ चाँदी के सिक्के दिये।)
4. Serivan kept his scales, his bag and eight silver coins with him.
(सेरीवन ने अपने पास अपना तराजू, अपना थैला तथा आठ चाँदी के सिक्के रख लिये।)
5. As soon as Serivan left the two women, the greedy seller came to them again.
(ज्यों ही सेरीवन उन स्त्रियों के पास से चला लालची विक्रेता उनके पास पुनः आया।)

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(e) Regretting his loss, the greedy seller cried, “He has cheated me of the profit I would have made! I’ve lost the bowl !” He was so full of sorrow and disappointment and so maddened that he lost command over himself. He beat his chest, (UPBoardSolutions.com) threw away his money and goods, tore his clothes from his body and shouted. “I”ll have my revenge on the hateful man! Why did he interfere with my plans?”

1. What did the greedy seller say?
(लालची विक्रेता ने क्या कहा?)
2. Why did he lose command over himself?
(वह अपने आप पर नियंत्रण क्यों खो बैठा?)
3. What did he do then?
(तब उसने क्या किया?)
4. What did he say at last?
(अन्त में उसने क्या कहा?)
5. Name the lesson from which the above passage has been taken.
(उस पाठ का नाम लिखिए जिससे उपरोक्त गद्यांश लिया गया है?)
1. The greedy seller said, “Serivan has cheated me of the profit I would have made! I’ve lost the bowl!”
(लालची विक्रेता ने कहा, “सेरीवन ने मुझे उस लाभ से वंचित कर दिया जो मुझे कटोरा मिलने पर होता। मैंने कटोरा खो दिया है।”)
2. He lost command (control) over himself because he could not bear the loss. He was maddened with grief.
(वह अपने आप पर नियंत्रण इसलिए खो बैठा क्योंकि वह हानि को सहन नहीं कर सका। वह कष्ट से पागल हो गया।)
3. He beat his chest, throw away his money and goods and tore his clothes.
(उसने अपना सीना पीटा, अपने धन तथा सामान को फेंक दिया और अपने कपड़े फाड़ डाले।)
4. At last, he said, I’ll have my revenge on the hateful man! Why did he interfere with my plans?”
(अन्त में उसने कहा, “मैं उस घृणित व्यक्ति से बदला लूंगा। उसने मेरी योजनाओं में क्यों हस्तक्षेप किया?” )
5. The name of the lesson is ‘A Golden Bowl’.
(पाठ का नाम ‘ए गोल्डेन बाउल है।)


Answer the following questions in not more than 60 words each :

Question 1.
What qualities of Serivan have been brought out in the story?
(इस कहानी में सेरीवन के कौन-कौन से गुण बताये गये हैं?)
Serivan was an honest seller of pots and pans. He was the Bodhisattva in the kingdom of Seri. He clearly told the old woman that the bowl was made of pure gold. He took the bowl and gave five hundred silver coins to the old woman and her grand-daughter. He also gave them all the pots he had. Serivan was truthful. He did not cheat them by telling a lie. He was fearless. He did not care for the threats of the greedy seller.

सेरीवन बर्तन और कढ़ाइयों का एक ईमानदारे विक्रेता था। वह सेरी के राज्य में बोधिसत्व था। उसने बूढ़ी स्त्री से स्पष्ट बता दिया कि कटोरा शुद्ध सोने का बना है। उसने कटोरे को ले लिया और उस बूढ़ी स्त्री तथा उसकी नातिन को पाँच सौ चाँदी के सिक्के (रुपये) दिये। उसने उन सारे बर्तनों को भी (UPBoardSolutions.com) दे दिया जो उसके पास थे। सेरीवन सच्चा था। उसने झूठ बोलकर उन्हें धोखा नहीं दिया। वह निर्भीक था। उसने लालची विक्रेता की धमकियों की परवाह नहीं की।

Question 2.
How was Serivan different from the greedy seller?
(सेरीवन उस लालची विक्रेता से किस प्रकार भिन्न था?)
The greedy seller was dishonest. When he knew that the bowl of the poor woman was made of gold, he wanted to take the bowl for nothing. He pretended that it was useless and threw it on the ground scornfully. He left the house in anger.
Next day Serivan passed the same house. The old woman and the girl called Serivan in and told him to exchange the bowl. Taking the bowl in his hand Serivan said that it was made of gold. He had not so much money on him to exchange. But the woman asked Serivan to take the bowl and give them any thing he wished. Serivan gave them five hundred silver coins and all his pots. Thus Serivan was different from the greedy seller.

लालची विक्रेता बेईमान था। जब उसने जान लिया कि गरीब स्त्री का कटोरा सोने का बना है, तब वह उस कटोरे को बहुत ही कम कीमत में लेना चाहता था। उसने बहाना किया कि यह बेकार हैं और उसने इसे घृणापूर्वक जमीन पर फेंक दिया। वह नाराज होकर मकान से बाहर चला गया।
दूसरे दिन सेरीवन उसी मकान से गुजरा। (UPBoardSolutions.com) उस बूढ़ी स्त्री और लड़की ने सेरीवन को अन्दर बुलाया और उससे कटोरे को बदलने के लिए कहा। कटोरे को हाथ में लेकर सेरीवन ने कहा कि यह सोने का बना है। उसके पास बदले में देने के लिए इतना धन नहीं है किन्तु बूढ़ी स्त्री ने सेरीवन से कटोरा लेने तथा उसे कुछ भी वस्तु जो वह चाहे, देने को कहा। सेरीवन ने उसे पाँच सौ चाँदी के सिक्के और अपने सारे बर्तन दे दिये। इस प्रकार सेरीवन उस लालची विक्रेता से भिन्न था।

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Question 3.
Why did the greedy seller lose control over himself?
(लालची विक्रेता ने अपने आप पर नियंत्रण क्यों खो दिया?)
The greedy seller was dishonest. After sometimes, he came back and said the old woman to bring out the bowl. Moved to anger at his pretence, the old woman said that you had told the bowl was worth nothing. She also told him that an honest seller gave them five hundred silver coins and all his pots for the bowl. Now regretting his loss the greedy seller was so full of sorrow, disappointment and so maddened that he lost control over himself.

लालची विक्रेता बेईमान था। कुछ समय बाद वह वापस आया और बूढ़ी औरत से कटोरा लाने को कहा। उसके बहाने पर क्रोधित होकर उस बूढ़ी स्त्री ने कहा कि तुमने कहा था कि कटोरा बेकार है। उसने यह भी कहा कि एक ईमानदार विक्रेता ने उसे कटोरे के बदले पाँच सौ चाँदी के सिक्के और अपना सारा बर्तन दे दिया। अब अपनी हानि पर दुःख प्रकट करते हुए वह लालची विक्रेता दुःख और निराशा से इतना भर गया और इतना पागल हो गया कि वह अपने आप पर नियंत्रण खो बैठा।

Question 4.
What happened to the greedy seller?
(लालची विक्रेता का क्या हुआ?)
The greedy seller regretted the loss. He blamed Serivan that he had cheated him. He had interfered with his plans. He rushed after Serivan to take revenge but Serivan had left in the boat. Watching the boat helplessly, the greedy seller shouted insults at Serivan. With all his excitement and jealously, the heart of the greedy seller burst and he dropped down dead at last.
लालची विक्रेता ने हानि पर दुःख प्रकट किया। उसने सेरीवन पर दोष लगाया कि उसने उसे धोखा दिया है। उसने उसकी योजनाओं में हस्तक्षेप किया था। वह बदला लेने के लिए (UPBoardSolutions.com) सेरीवन के पीछे भागा किन्तु सेरीवन की नावे छूट चुकी थी। नाव को असहाय होकर देखते हुए लालची विक्रेता ने सेरीवन को अपमानजनक शब्द कहे। सारी उत्तेजना और ईष्र्या के कारण लालची विक्रेता का हृदय फट गया और अन्त में वह गिर कर मर गया।

Question 5.
What lesson do you learn from the story ‘A Golden Bowl’?
(‘ए गोल्डेन बाउल’ कहानी से तुम्हें क्या शिक्षा मिलती है?)
The story ‘A Golden Bowl’ teaches us a great moral. The character of Serivan teaches us that we should be honest, truthful, gentle and fearless. We should not cheat others. Serivan is the symbol of all the noble qualities. He clearly said that the bowl was made of pure gold. Greed is the root cause of evils—the character of the greedy seller shows it. He could not control over himself. His heart burst and he dropped down dead.

‘ए गोल्डेन बाउल’ की कहानी हमें एक महान नैतिकता सिखाती है। सेरीवन का चरित्र हमें सिखाता है कि हमें ईमानदार, सच्चा, सभ्य और निर्भीक होना चाहिए। हमें दूसरों को (UPBoardSolutions.com) धोखा नहीं देना चाहिए। सेरीवन सभी अच्छे गुणों का प्रतीक है। उसने स्पष्ट रूप से कह दिया कि कटोरा सोने का बना हुआ है। लालची विक्रेता का चरित्र यह प्रदर्शित करता है कि लालच बुराइयों की जड़ है। वह अपने आप पर नियंत्रण नहीं रख सका। उसका हृदय फट गया और वह गिर कर मर गया।


Answer the following questions in not more than 25 words each :

Question 1.
What did Serivan sell?
(सेरीवन क्या बेचता था?)
Serivan was a seller who sold pots and pans.
(सेरीवन एक विक्रेता था जो बर्तन और कढ़ाइयों को बेचता था।)

Question 2.
What was the bowl made of
(कटोरा किसका बना था?)
The bowl was made of gold.
(कटोरा सोने का बना था।)

Question 3.
Why did the women not know that the bowl was made of gold?
(स्त्रियाँ क्यों नहीं जानती थीं कि कटोरा सोने का बना है?)
The women did not know that the bowl was made of gold because it was dirty and out of use.
(स्त्रियाँ इसलिए नहीं जानती थीं कि कटोरा सोने का बना है क्योंकि वह गन्दा था और प्रयोग में नहीं आता था।)

Question 4.
Why were the two women keen to get rid of the bowl?
(दोनों स्त्रियाँ कटोरे से छुटकारा पाने के लिए क्यों उत्सुक थीं?)
The two women were keen to get rid of the bowl as it was old, dirty and out of use.
(दोनों स्त्रियाँ कटोरे से छुटकारा पाने के लिए इसलिए उत्सुक थीं जैसा कि कटोरा पुराना, गन्दा तथा प्रयोग में न आने वाला था।)

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Question 5.
What did they want in exchange for the bowl?
(वे कटोरे के बदले में क्या चाहती थीं?)
They wanted a plate in exchange for the bowl.
(वे कटोरे के बदले में एक प्लेट चाहती थीं।)

Question 6.
How did the greedy seller know that the bowl was made of gold?
(लालची विक्रेता किस प्रकार जान गया कि कटोरा सोने का बना है?)
The greedy seller scratched a line on the bottom of the bowl with a needle and knew that the bowl was made of gold.
(लालची विक्रेता ने एक सुई से कटोरे की तली में एक लकीर (रेखा) खींच दी और जान गया कि कटोरा सोने का बना है।)

Question 7.
The old woman did not know that the bowl was made of gold. Give an adjective to describe her.
(बूढ़ी स्त्री नहीं जानती थी कि कटोरा सोने का बना है। उसका वर्णन करने के लिए विशेषण बताइए।)
The old woman was ignorant.
(वह बूढ़ी स्त्री अनजान थी।)

Question 8.
Why did the greedy seller pretend that the bowl was worthless?
(लालची विक्रेता ने क्यों बहाना किया कि कटोरा बेकार है?)
Thinking that he would get the bowl for nothing, he pretended that it was useless and scornfully threw it on the ground.
(यह सोचकर कि कटोरा उसे बहुत ही कम मूल्य पर मिल जायेगा, उसने बहाना किया कि यह बेकार है और उसे घृणापूर्वक जमीन पर फेंक दिया।)

Question 9.
How did the girl describe Serivan?
(लड़की ने सेरीवन का वर्णन किस प्रकार किया?)
The girl described Serivan as gentle and honest.
(लड़की ने सेरीवन का वर्णन सभ्य और ईमानदार मनुष्य के रूप में किया।)

Question 10.
What did Serivan give the woman in exchange?
(सेरीवन ने उस स्त्री को बदले में क्या दिया?)
Serivan gave five hundred silver coins and all his pots to the woman in exchange.
(सेरीवन ने उस स्त्री को बदले में पाँच सौ चाँदी के सिक्के और अपने सारे बर्तन दे दिये।)

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Question 11.
Why did Serivan keep eight silver coins with him?
(सेरीवन ने अपने पास आठ चाँदी के सिक्के क्यों रख लिये?)
Serivan kept eight silver coins with him to pay the boatman to take him across the river.
(सेरीवन ने नदी पार करने के लिए नाव वाले को देने के लिए अपने पास आठ चाँदी के सिक्के रख लिये।)

Question 12.
‘Moved to anger at his pretence’, why was the old woman angry?
(“उसके बहाने पर क्रोधित होकर वह बूढ़ी स्त्री क्रोधित क्यों हुई?)
The old woman was angry with the greedy seller because he had pretended that the bowl was worth nothing. He also threw the bowl on the ground.
(वह बूढ़ी स्त्री उस लालची विक्रेता से क्रोधित इसलिए हुई क्योंकि उसने बहाना किया था कि कटोरा बेकार है। उसने कटोरे को जमीन पर फेंक भी दिया।)

Question 13.
Why has Serivan been described as ‘fearless’?
(सेरीवन का वर्णन निर्भीक के रूप में क्यों किया गया है?)
Serivan has been described as fearless because he was not afraid of threats and abuses of others.
(सेरीवन का वर्णन निर्भीक के रूप में इसलिए किया गया है क्योंकि वह दूसरों की धमकियों और अपशब्दों से भयभीत नहीं था।)


Question 1.
Complete the following statements with the most suitable choice :
सबसे उपयुक्त विकल्प चुनकर निम्नलिखित कथनों को पूरा कीजिए :

(i) Serivan, who bought and sold pots and pans, was :
(a) dishonest
(b) honest
(c) cunning
(d) rude

(ii) The seller scornfully threw the bowl on the ground because :
(a) it was worth nothing
(b) it was useless
(c) he pretended it was useless for him
(d) he did not buy gold pots.
(i)(b) honest
(ii) (c) he pretended it was useless for him.

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Question 2.
Point out the ‘true’ and ‘false’ statements in the following :
निम्नलिखित कथनों में सत्य और असत्य बताइए

(i) Serivan bought and sold pots and pans.
(ii) Both the girl and the old woman were keen to get rid of the bowl.
(iii) The seller took the bowl and scratched a line on the bottom.
(iv) Serivan was not surprised to see that the bowl was made of gold.
(v) The seller did not shout insults at the fearless Serivan.
(i) T,
(ii) T,
(iii) T,
(iv) F,
(v) F.


Question 1.
Match the words given under Column ‘A’ with the meanings given under Column ‘B’ below :
(नीचे दिये गये सूची ‘अ’ के शब्दों का सूची ‘ब’ के अर्थों से मिलान कीजिए)
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Question 2.
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the words given below :
(निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को नीचे दिये हुए शब्दों की सहायता से रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए)

hesitation (संकोच); insult (अपमान करना); a lot of (पयप्ति ); exchange (बदलना ); revenge (बदला)
(a) He has earned ……… money from his dairy business.
(b) The girl requested the seller to give her a new plate in ……. for the old bowl.
(c) The rich should not ……… the poor.
(d) It is better to pardon people than to take ……… on them.
(e) “Will you, please, lend me a hundred rupees?” he asked with some ……..
(a) a lot of,
(b) exchange,
(c) insult,
(d) revenge,
(e) hesitation

Question 3.
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the phrases given below :
(निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को नीचे दिये हुए मुहावरों की सहायता से रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए)

to get rid of (छुटकारा पाना); in the company of (साथ में); lying among (बीच में पड़ा हुआ); interfere with (हस्तक्षेप करना); work for their living (जीविकोपार्जन करना)
(a) Halku and his wife had to …….. hard.
(b) I feel happy ……… learned people.
(c) The two women wanted ……… the old bowl.
(d) I found the dictionary ……. the books.
(e) Do not ……… my plans.
(a) work for their living.
(b) in the company of
(c) to get rid of
(d) lying among
(e) interfere with

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Question 4.
Give one word for each of the following expressions :
(निम्नलिखित वाक्यांशों के लिए एक शब्द लिखिए)
(a) Too desirous for money. (……)
(b) Give or receive something in place of another. (….)
(c) A person who rows a boat. (…..)
(d) Feeling of envy for someone or something. (……)
(a) greedy
(b) exchange
(c) boatman
(d) disappointment

Question 5.
Give the opposite words of the following :
(निम्नलिखित शब्दों के विलोम शब्द लिखिए)
dirty; lost; hatred; loss
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Question 6.
Give the synonyms of the following words :
(निम्नलिखित शब्दों के समानार्थी शब्द लिखिए)
offer (देना, उपहार); useless (व्यर्थ); fearless (निर्भीक); suspect (सन्देह करना)
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Question 1.
Combine each pair of sentences below into one sentence using Conjunction ‘who’. First is done for you :
(Conjunction ‘who’ का प्रयोग करके नीचे लिखे हुए वाक्य-युग्मों को जोड़कर एक वाक्य बनाइए। पहला आपके लिए | किया हुआ है।)
Example :
(a) The teacher has gone abroad.
He taught me English.
The teacher, who taught me English, has gone abroad.
(b) Mrs. Smith came to my house yesterday.
She is my sister’s friend.
(c) My brother works in a factory.
He lives in Kanpur.
(d) The man came last evening.
He has come again.
(b) Mrs. Smith, who is my sister’s friend, came to my house yesterday.
(c) My brother, who lives in Kanpur, works in a factory.
(d) The man, who has come again, came last evening.

Question 2.
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences, correctly using ‘why’ or ‘how’:
(Why या how का सही प्रयोग करके निम्नलिखित वाक्यों में रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए।)
(a) He knows …….. he has been dismissed from the post.
(b) I do not know ……… all this happened.
(c) He has lots of pen. I don’t understand ……… he has bought a few more.
(a) Why,
(b) how,
(c) why.

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Question 3.
Combine each pair of sentences given below into one sentence by using’so that’. First is done for you.
(So-that का प्रयोग करके निम्नलिखित वाक्य युग्मों को जोड़कर एक वाक्य बनाइए। पहला आपके लिया किया हुआ है।)
(a) The fan is very high. I cannot touch it.
The fan is so high that I cannot touch it.
(b) He is very weak. He cannot walk fast.
(c) He was very ill. He could not pass the examination.
(d) Rakesh was very dull. He could not solve any problem.
(b) He is so weak that he can not walk fast.
(c) He was so ill that he could not pass the examination.
(d) Rakesh was so dull that he could not solve any problem.

Question 4.
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the words given below :
(नीचे दिये हुए शब्दों की सहायता से निम्नलिखित वाक्यों में रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए)
with; of; on; for
(a) The fellow has cheated me …….. the profit I would have made.
(b) I have bought a scooter ……… thirty thousand rupees.
(c) Why did he interfere……… my plans. I will have revenge ……… him.
(a) of,
(b) for,
(c) with, on.

Question 5.
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the words and phrases given below :
(नीचे दिये हुए शब्दों और मुहावरों की सहायता से निम्नलिखित शब्दों में रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए)
set about (प्रस्थान करना); eagerness (उत्सुकता) regret (द:ख व्यक्त करना); jealousy (ईष्र्या)
(a) I ……. to inform you that you have not been selected for the post.
(b) His ……… to pass with honours made him work very hard.
(c) He has destroyed my plants out of……..
(d) He ……… on his journey with a little money and a few articles of clothing.
(a) regret,
(b) eagerness,
(c) jealously,
(d) set about.

Question 6.
Complete the spellings of the following words :
(निम्नलिखित शब्दों की वर्तनियां पूरा कीजिए)

Question 7.
Change the following sentences into Indirect speech :
(निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को Indirect Speech में बदलिये)
(a) The mother said to her daughter, “What are you doing?”
(b) The gatekeeper said to the stranger, “who are you?”
(c) You said to me, “I am reading a story book.”
The boy said, “I am not going to school today.”
(a) The mother asked her daughter what she was doing.
(b) The gatekeeper asked the stranger who he was.
(c) You told me that you were reading a stor v book
(d) The boy said that he was not going to school that day.

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Question 8.
Complete the following statements with the suitable alternative given below them :
(निम्नलिखित कथनों को उनके नीचे दिये हुए सही विकल्प की सहायता से पूरा कीजिए:)
(a) The seller scornfully threw the bowl on the ground because :
(i) he did not buy gold pots
(ii) he pretended it was useless for him
(iii) he did not have enough money to pay for it
(iv) he thought that the bowl was not made of gold

(b) The greedy seller was disappointed because :
(i) Serivan had run away with the bowl
(ii) Serivan had bought the bowl
(iii) Serivan had cheated him
(iv) the woman had cheated him
(a) (ii) he pretended it was useless for him
(b) (ii) Serivan had bought the bowl.

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