Class 9 English Supplementary Reader Chapter 2 Questions and Answers UP Board The Swan and the Princes (A Play)
कक्षा 9 अंग्रेजी पाठ 2 प्रश्न उत्तर
These Solutions are part of UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English. Here we have given UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Suplementary Reader Chapter 2 The Swan and the Princes (A Play)
Answer the following questions in not more than 25 words each :
Question 1.
Whom did Dev Datt shoot down?
देवदत्त ने किस पर निशाना लगाया?
Dev Datt shot down a swan and it fell on the ground near the prince.
देवदत्त ने हंस को निशाना लगाया और वह जमीन पर राजकुमार के पास गिर पड़ा।
Question 2.
What was the complaint of Dev Dott against Sidhartha?
सिद्धार्थ के विरूद्ध देवदत्त की क्या शिकायत थी
Dev Datt complained against Sidhartha that he shot down a swan and it fell on the ground. He (Sidhartha) picked it up and said that he would not give it to him.
देवदत्त ने सिद्धार्थ के विरुद्ध शिकायत की कि उसने एक हंस ( को निशाना लगाया और वह जमीन पर गिर पड़ा। उन्होंने (सिद्धार्थ ने) उसे उठा लिया और कहा कि वे इसे उन्हें (देवदत्त को) नहीं देगे।
Question 3.
What did Dev Datt say in support of his claim over the swan?
हंस पर अपने दावे के समर्थन में देवदत्त ने क्या कहा?
Dev Datt said in support of his claim over the swan that he himself had shot it with an arrow. Besides, he was a Kshatriya who could not give up hishunt.
देवदत्त ने हंस पर अपने दावे के समर्थन में कहा कि उसने स्वयं उस पर तीर चलाया था। इसके अतिरिक्त वह क्षत्रिय था, जो अपने शिकार को छोड़ नहीं सकता।
Question 4.
Why did Sidhartha say that the swan was his?
सिद्धार्थ ने क्यों कहा कि हंस उनका है?
Sidhartha said that the swan belonged to him because he had saved its life.
सिद्धार्थ ने कहा कि हंस उनका है क्योंकि उन्होंने उसकी जान बचायी थी।
Question 5.
Why did the wounded swan come to Sidhartha?
घायल हंस सिद्धार्थ के पास क्यों आया?
The wounded swan came to Sidhartha seeking its protection.
घायल हंस सिद्धार्थ के पास अपनी रक्षा के लिए आया।
Question 6.
What two characteristics of the Kshatriya are referred to in the play?
इस नाटक में क्षत्रियों के कौन से दो प्रमुख गुण बताये गये हैं?
Two characteristics of the Kshatriya are referred to in the play :
नाटक में क्षत्रियों के दो गुण बताये गये हैं—
(i)A Kshatriya can not give up what he has shot?
एक क्षत्रिय उस जीव को नहीं छोड़ सकता जिस पर उसने तीर चलाया है।
(ii)A Kshatriya can not give up a suppliant either.
एक क्षत्रिय शरणागत को भी नहीं छोड़ सकता।
Question 7.
Why was king Suddodhana puzzled?
राजा शुद्धोधन क्यों परेशान थे?
King Suddodhana was puzzled because he could not decide the claim between Dev Datt and Sidhartha.
राजा शुद्धोधन हैरान थे क्योंकि वे देवदत्त और सिद्धार्थ के बीच दावे का निर्णय नहीं कर सकते थे।
Question 8.
What did Sidhartha say to the swan? What did the swan do?
सिद्धार्थ ने हंस से क्या कहा? हंस ने क्या किया?
Sidhartha said to the swan to come to him and sit in his arms. The swan came to him and sat his arms.
सिद्धार्थ ने हंस से उनके पास आने तथा उनकी ( बांहों में बैठने को कहा। हंस उनके पास आया और उनकी बांहों में बैठ गया
Question 9.
Who decided the dispute between Dev Datt and Sidhartha?
देवदत्त और सिद्धार्थ के बीच के विवाद का निर्णय लेसने किया?
The Chief Minister decided the dispute bei veen Dui Datt and Sidhartha.
देवदत्त और सिद्धार्थ के बीच के विवाद का निर्णय मुख्यमंत्री ने किया।
Select the most suitable alternative to complete each of the following statements :
निम्नलिखित कथनों में से प्रत्येक को पूरा करने के लिए सबसे उपयुक्त विकल्प चुनिए :
(i) Dev Datt claimed the swan because :
(a) he had caught it
(b) he had shot it
(c) he had bought it
(d) he had saved it
(ii)Sidhartha claimed the swan because :
(a) the swan was saved by him
(b) the swan was caught by him
(c) the swan was bought by him
(d) the swan was shot by him
(iii) Tie swan came to Sidhartha seeking :
(a) mercy
(b) revenge
(c) protection
(d) justice
(iv) The case was decided by :
(a) the king
(b) the Chief Minister
(c)the swan itself
(d) door-keeper
(i) (b) he had shot it.
(ii) (a) the swan was saved by him
(iii) (c) protection
(iv) (b) the Chief Minister
(C) Say whether each of the following statements is ‘true’ or ‘false’ :
बताइये कि निम्नलिखित कथनो में से प्रत्येक ‘सत्य’ है अथवा ‘असत्य’:
(i) Dev Datt brought the dispute before the king.
(ii) Prince Sidhartha was a good lad and he could not do a thing that was wrong.
(iii) Sidhartha claimed the swan because he had saved it.
(iv) The king did not know how to solve the case.
(v) The king sought the help of his Ministers.
(vi) The Chief Minister asked Dev Datt and Sidhartha both to call the swan to them.
(vii) The swan came to Dev Datt when he called it.
(viii) When Prince Sidhartha called the swan, it at once flew to his arms.
(ix) The Chief Minister failed to settle the dispute.
(x) The Chief Minister was very wise.
(i) T, (ii) T, (iii) T, (iv) T, (v)F, (vi) T, (vii) F, (vii) T, (ix) F, (x) T.
(D)Fill in the blanks with missing letters ‘t complete the spelling of the following words :
निम्नलिखित शब्दों की वर्तनी को पूरा करने के लिए लुप्त अक्षरों की सहायता से रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए
ar–w; sup-l-ant; pr-tec-ion; p—zz-ed; t-emb-es
arrow, suppliant, protection, puzzled, trembles